Coral Reefs and Climate Change - The Guide for Education and Awareness


By Craig Reid, Justin Marshall, Dave Logan and Diana Kleine - published in 2009

This book focuses on coral reefs, the astonishing abundance of life within them and the impacts of climate change on this beautiful environment. There is hope for reefs but we must act now. Coral reefs are being lost more than five times faster than rainforest and it is up to us to prevent their continued degradation.

The book explains the effects of climate change by using coral reefs as an example. Its aim is to inform, educate and enable people to begin to question the future that we are creating right now. It combines some of the latest scientific research with informative imagery to cover topics such as oceanography, coral reef biology, the issues of climate change and suggestions for ways forward. The book is not aimed at scientists but at educators, students, reef enthusiasts, professionals and interested people.


Paperback - ISBN 9780646523606 - 256 pages, 205 x 260 mm - Publisher : CoralWatch, The University of Queensland, Brisbane (2009)

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