Monthly Archives: May 2007

  1. Hooked on Julian Rocks, Byron Bay

    Hooked on Julian Rocks, Byron Bay

    Contributed By : John Natoli Natoli

    Hooked on Julian Rocks, Byron Bay

    Contributed By : John Natoli Natoli
    20th July 2003 .... that is the first time I drove down from the Gold Coast to Byron Bay and arrived at Sundive, jumped on one of their boats and set out to dive Julian Rocks - and I have been addicted ever since.
  2. Escaping to Kadavu - A Fiji Secret

    Escaping to Kadavu - A Fiji Secret

    Escaping to Kadavu - A Fiji Secret

    Yes! We had arrived in Fiji for our two week stay. We were lucky that the Nadi (pronounced NaNdi) airport had very comfortable couches as we had to wait till midday for our flight to Kadavu (pronounced KaNdavu).