Listing Points Explained

We wanted a fairer and more flexible way to reward businesses that would like good exposure on the site but don't have huge advertising budgets. With this in mind, we developed the points system.

As a dive shop, dive resort, liveaboard, dive charter boat, dive club or environmental organisation your business WILL get an extensive in our directory for FREE. This includes a contact form, some photos, your logo and a description of your services in a easy to compare format that is useful to the site visitors - in addition you can choose to increase your visibility on the site in a number of ways.

Listings are ranked in the directory by how many points they have so more points means better featured listings, more enquiries and more sales. The differences between FREE, LINKED and PREMIUM listings are visualised in the table below.

Feature:FREE listingLINKED listing (50-199 points)PREMIUM listing (200+ points)
Business name
Business location
Direct online enquiry form
Full listing with logo, photos, description, services, facilities, etc
Direct link to own website  
E-mail Link  
Listing priority over FREE listings  
Listing priority over LINKED and FREE listings    
Inclusion as random featured operators on home page    
Inclusion as featured operators on content pages of the same location (such as articles, gallery)    
Possibility to add extras to listing (RSS feed, downloadable specials, catalogues in pdf form)    

PREMIUM LISTINGS (200 and more points) include placement throughout the rest of the site as featured operators/businesses and related content. Which means if someone is reading a story on Bali and you are an operator with 200 points or more YOU will be part of the featured operators on the right. Premium listings are also always listed on top of LINKED and FREE listings in the directory.

LINKED LISTINGS (50 and more points) include direct link to your own website which will have a positive impact on the web ranking of your own site as well. Linked listings are also always listed on top of FREE listings in the directory.

FREE LISTINGS are not available for accommodation operators, dive wear, dive gear, events, expeditions, or underwater image makers - you will need 50 listing points minimum - and be exposed with a full mini-site. Travel agents will not get listed in the directory.

How do I gain listing points?


Offer discounts to underwater cardholders

We reward businesses with extra listing points for being generous to our underwater card holders. Please remember that cardholders must book in directly with you to receive these bonuses. These points will be valid for as long as your discounts are offered.

screenshot of discount section of listing page

Discounts are flexible and it is therefore hard to define what offer gets how many stars. We encourage to be creative with discounts or using added value (like FREE digital camera hire with 5-day diving package).

As a general guideline, a free T-shirt or other minor discount like 10% off tank hire will get one star. An across the board 10% off all products and services is generally worth 3 stars. To get 4 stars or more you have to do better than 10% or add some extras.

Buy points

Buying points in our convenient packages; Premium (200 points), 150 Point Boost, 100 Point Boost and Standard (50 Points) are the simplest ways to tune your positioning on

Non-profit Environmental Organisations and Dive Clubs


50 free points indefinitely which means you will always have a free LINKED listing. All you need to do is check your contact details on a regular basis.


Underwater Card 2