Southcoast Dragon 2

This is a discussion thread for the image "Southcoast Dragon 2"

Contributed by Jamie K added 2005-11-29

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PeterB added 2006-01-07

great image, what a lucky first dive for your partner, congratulations

The only bad dive is the one YOU MISSED; take something from every dive,an image to remember it by.

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AOI AustraliaAOI Australia
AOI underwater photographic products - a professional OEM/ODM underwater camera casings and underwater electronic products manufacturer. Great quality wet lenses for underwater photography.


Sensational SipadanSensational Sipadan
As the plane takes off from Kuala Lumpur to Tawau I think of one of my favourite songs by Australian singer songwriter Cristine Anu 'The monkey and the turtle' ... that is where we are heading, the island of the turtles and the land of the men of the forest, the Orang-Utans of Borneo.
Underwater Card 2