Waterbabes 01

Waterbabes 01

Waterbabes 01

These photos are that of my wife (Julie) who wanted me to do these photos during her 8th month of pregancy. I hope our baby loves the water as much as we do. Taken at Fairy Bower, Sydney using a Nikonos V. Lens and exposure : Sea&Sea 15mm, f5.6 at 1/125. Film : Ilford SFX. Photocomp March '05 - Open


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Seaslugs - Part I. Headshield slugs and Sea hares.Seaslugs - Part I. Headshield slugs and Sea hares.
I have compiled a sequential account of the five main seaslug orders, supported by photographic records and some likely Sydney dive sites to encounter members of each order.
Underwater Card 2